
Welcome to BrightFunded, a leading funding firm that is revolutionizing the way traders engage, learn and get rewarded through the likes of Trade2Earn.

We are dedicated to creating a transparent and sustainable simulated trading environment, empowering both aspiring and experienced traders to achieve their goals.

To get enrolled and start your journey, we have implemented a fee based enrollment model. Traders interested in joining BrightFunded participate in a Challenge, demonstrating their skills and potential for success. By charging Challenge fees, we can carefully select and onboard traders who have proven their abilities, reducing the risk for both parties involved.

At BrightFunded, we provide a comprehensive reward mechanism for traders in a gamified trading experience, where they can learn, enjoy and get rewarded during their trading journey! We believe in transparency, innovation, and fostering a community of users who share the same passion. To this end, BrightFunded offers in-house educational content to ensure every user gets the opportunity to excel.

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